Together we take care of our planet.

At Colonial and Utopicus we are achieving our ESG targets ahead of schedule.


Sustainability strategy

Sustainability is in our DNA. Together, we’re creating new ways of working based on well-being, balance and respect for the world we live in.

Colonial' Sustainability Decalogue

Our commitment to the environment begins with our sustainability decalogue: 10 pledges for a healthier planet that guide our strategic direction.

Our Manifesto

Our manifesto aligns point for point with the sustainability decalogue, capturing our objectives and the good practices we strive to follow — because everything we do here makes a difference.


Leave your legacy, not your footprint.

We weigh all our waste on special scales that help us calculate the building’s carbon footprint and keep track of the kilos recycled each year. Help us by using the right bin for your rubbish.


We can always find ways to save energy.

We’ve fine-tuned our HVAC, lighting and operational systems for optimal energy performance. With you on our side, we can do even more.


Less plastic = more respect.

We’re working to stamp out plastic by choosing our suppliers with care. Could you offload some plastic from your life?


Our waste is going places.

At all of our workspaces you’ll find various recycling points for paper, plastic and organic waste. Support your community by disposing of waste responsibly, and watch it come back around — just like your karma.


Tackling single-use plastic with unlimited water.

Our properties are well supplied with water fountains serving up purified H2O, so you can refill your bottle whenever you want. Together, we’ll banish pointless plastic from our workspaces.


Caring for the world beyond, and the world within.

The well-being of our users is paramount. To help foster a positive, stimulating and inspiring environment, we offer you communal spaces where you can connect and share ideas with others. Fill your cup and return to your desk with your energy restored.


Run to the office, even when you’re on time.

Several of our offices offer changing rooms and showers fitted with smart taps, so you can fit your exercise regime around your work, without wasting a moment of your day. Try it and see how good it feels.


It’s always smart to leave the car at home.

Get on your bike and make use of our dedicated cycle parking. Not only will you squeeze in some cardio, you’ll also save yourself the cost of petrol and the headache of sitting in a traffic jam. And you’ll spare the atmosphere a tank load of pollution


To start is to win.

We offer a lineup of masterclasses, talks, short videos and online content to help you learn more about sustainability, well-being and the new world of work. Learning is the first step to progress and positive change. Jump in!


Why throw away a good idea?

As far as possible, our properties incorporate reclaimed materials from the original structures on the site. Now over to you — are there any resources or ideas that you could adapt and reuse to advance more efficiently towards your goals?


Posture for the planet.

Our furnishings have been especially designed to ensure the most ergonomic position for your body. And we’ve taken care to select recycled and sustainable materials — so what’s good for you is good for the environment.


Breathe in. Awaken your creativity.

Fresh air, trees and plants are our most natural sources of inspiration. Take a break from your desk to explore our terraces and green spaces, say hello to your community and feel your perspective shift.

We’re here to help you build your company’s future, with ESG benefits that will have a positive impact on your company's growth and development.


Any questions? Interested in finding out more?

Just let us know and we'll be in touch.
