Privacy Policy
The personal data that we collect will be processed by Utopicus Innovación Cultural, S.L.U., whose contact information is detailed below:
Company name: Utopicus Innovación Cultural, S.L.U.
Address: c/del Príncipe de Vergara 112, 28002 - Madrid
Telephone: +34911590510
Contact Data Protection Officer:
These personal data will be processed in order to manage your relationship as a User of the platform, and also, if you ask or authorize us, to participate in the social networks offered by the platform to contact the different users to inform them and send them communications, also by electronic and/or telematic means, about the events carried out by Utopicus Innovación Cultural, S.L.U., as well as to receive publicity related to the services of Utopic School, Utopic Agency, Zinc Shower and future initiatives of Utopicus Innovación Cultural, S.L.U., and with regard to the cookies we install (see below), in order to adapt the website to their needs. As a result, the legal basis of the processing is your consent.
The personal data will only be processed during the time they are necessary, useful and relevant. Once the relationship has expired, the data will be kept for the sole purpose of and during the time required to comply with any legal obligations that may apply. They will only be accessed by the third parties to whom their disclosure is required by law and the companies in charge of the company’s internal management services, and in particular, website development tool companies, website management companies, potential customer management companies, and companies sending electronic communications.
However, provided that we obtain your consent, your personal data may be disclosed to Inmobiliaria Colonial, Socimi S.A. as the parent company, for the same purposes.
Likewise, you may exercise your rights, under the terms established by current legislation, of access, rectification or deletion of the data, as well as request a limit on the processing of your personal data, object to the latter, or request the portability of your data by sending postal communication to the address given above or an electronic one to In any case, the interested party has the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in relation to the processing carried out by Utopicus Innovación Cultural, S.L.U.